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Updates from SOWLIS


Following extensive review from a number of people, further research and consultation with experts, SOWLIS has now prepared and submitted their response to the planning application for the solar installation at North Court Farm.

This is formed of a number of key documents that have all been submitted to Ashford Borough Council and should be available on the planning portal shortly:

Letter of Objection

Expert reports commissioned by SOWLIS:​


Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)

Councillor briefing note​


We recommend that you review and digest these documents when preparing your objections.

Our sincere thanks go to all those who have been involved and contributed the many hours spent reviewing, researching and preparing the response. We look forward to this receiving due consideration as part of the review of the application.

If you have any questions or additional information, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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The application was added onto Ashford Borough Council (ABC)'s portal at the beginning of November and SOWLIS has carried out a review of the 86 documents, finding multiple errors which included duplication, missing documents and incorrectly named titles. In addition, the consultation date was missing and the planning officer doesn't seem to be named!

These problems made it incredibly difficult for anyone to understand, review the documents and comment on them and most importantly, the ability to make an informed comment by statutory consultees and ourselves in the parish!

SOWLIS therefore, wrote to ABC planning department asking for them to correct these errors and to delay the objection date:

SOWLIS are hosting two meetings, the next at 10am on 20th November at Old Wives Village Hall in order to provide an update and information that will be relevant to those wishing to object.

ABC have now uploaded the correct documents and have restarted the Consultation progress again and the new date for getting objections in is the 3 January 2023.

In the meantime, if you fancy a read, we would really appreciate your comments on the two main documents:

Ideally, if you are able to comment on the downloaded PDF document that would be the most helpful. Do feel free to contact us if you need any help.

Also, just to reiterate, we really need more donations or to do some fund-raising activities to pay for expert advice and reports if we are going to persuade ABC planning committee that this is not a good idea to let an industrial solar 'installation' be built in the heart of our village in the Stour valley! If you have ideas, please get in touch!

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The planning application for North Court Solar Installation is now live on Ashford Borough Council's website: PA/2022/2415! There are no details of objection deadline or who the Planning Officer is yet.

There is a lot of information to go through and any help would be gratefully received and so if you have any expertise or time to look through the documents please get in touch.

We will also need to raise more funds to pay for professional assistance and if you haven't already done so we should be very grateful for any donations via the the links on this site or directly into the SOWLIS bank account - this way we won't incur transaction fees!

Please contact us if you can help in any way.

We will be in touch once we have gone through the documents.

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Save Old Wives Lees from Industrial Solar ('SOWLIS') is an action group that has been set up to oppose the proposed North Court Solar Farm and the damage it would cause to our vibrant rural community.

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